Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Dear meeboguest833290,

 We received your message on our chat feature this morning:
meeboguest833290: Could you ask the guy who suggested AVG if it is safe to leave all my viruses in the virus vault. I don't know what to do with them and I don't want them on my computer.

 I'm sorry to say that you caught us at one of the few moments we are away from our computer. So, I'll post a response right here, for everyone to benefit.

 The short answer is: Yes, it is safe to leave your found viruses in the virus vault.
 A virus creates infected files, which can only be removed by deleting the file. The "Virus Vault" is a feature built into AVG Anti-Virus that moves the infected file and prevents it from spreading. Once in the virus vault, you computer is no longer infected with the virus. For more information on this, you can visit their FAQ at


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